
A photo of "the rock," also known as "the U" statue at the University of Miami Coral Gables campus. A photo of "the rock," also known as "the U" statue at the University of Miami Coral Gables campus.

What can you do with a MALS degree?

The Master of Arts Liberal Studies (MALS) is non-traditional graduate program; it cuts across the arbitrary boundaries of specialization, allowing students to create a customized plan of study that can lead to new and evolving career opportunities.


A MALS degree can lead to new and evolving career opportunities. With the expertise you’ll gain through the flexible MALS coursework, you will learn to creatively adapt to new challenges and embrace multiple, diverse perspectives. All of these abilitiesreading, writing, discussing and researchingare essential to a successful career and can be applied to problem-solving in any number of contexts: from the arts to education, from business to public service. 

The Hard Facts about “Soft Skills”

Human resource directors and recruiters overwhelmingly attest that the soft skills acquired through a graduate degree in liberal studies will help you develop a high degree of social intelligence so that you can successfully contribute, and lead, in the workplace — wherever your career takes you.

Among these soft skills are:

  • oral and written communication
  • critical thinking
  • ethical judgment
  • growth mindset
  • teamwork
  • active listening
  • cultural and emotional intelligence

According to LinkedIn's Global Talent Trends report, 92% of hiring managers feel that soft skills are equally, if not more important, to the hiring process than the hard (technical) skills required by many positions. Additionally, 89% of human resources professionals said that when a new hire doesn’t work out, it’s because they lack critical soft skills essential to working in a team environment and adapting to new situations.

What makes UM’s MALS program unique?

MALS is here to meet you where you are.  Whether you are a working professional who has been out of the classroom for an extended period of time, a top-level student athlete who needs a flexible schedule, or someone who is looking for career advancement and person exploration.  In the MALS program, you can customize a plan of study that meets your needs, challenges your perspective of relevant topics, and teaches you to examine the world through historical, global, and cultural contexts.  Your personal and professional goals are the foundation of your academic journey from enrollment to graduation.

Please contact us for additional information regarding the MALS program. Click here to view our brochure.
